Authority In Prayer

Matthew 28:18-19(NIV)Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go…

In a time of great global or even personal chaos and shaking, we recognize that God is our only unshakable source of deliverance. If there has ever been a time when we need God’s delivering power and mercy it is now! In response to a global pandemic the church is now praying in unprecedented ways. But are we praying effectively? Not perfectly, but effectively? Prayer is not just a religious exercise that proves our devotion to God. It is an outgrowth of how we intimately relate to God; how we see him and how he sees us. Often, without realizing it, we carry mindsets into our prayer closets that subtly undermines our ability to pray the true prayers of faith our times require. Believers in the Old Covenant could only stand in prayer based on a priestly sacrifice and cries for mercy. But we, as new covenant saints triumph in prayer through the merciful blood of Jesus as the final sacrifice for our sins and the power vested in his name. Jesus said, “All power authority is given me in heaven and in earth”. He immediately delegated His authority in the earth to the Church telling them to go in his name and signs will follow them that believe. What are those signs? Seeing the devil being defeated at every turn; the sick healed, taxes paid, the dead raised. These signs would point to the authority of Jesus and his Church over all demonic workings in a cursed planet. Jesus has authorized every believer to enforce his victory over anything, including deadly viruses, that has come to “steal, kill, or destroy”. When we pray from that place of victory we can overcome every work of darkness and release the blessings of heaven into our world. Read Kathy’s Book -The Radical Rising Remnant Connect with Kathy Bichsel Ministries SpotifyFacebookTwitter - - -


Praying In Times of Despair


Praying Victoriously