Unveiling the Blessing of Abraham

In the biblical corridors of faith, no story resonates with the transformative power of belief quite like Abraham’s. In a three-part spiritual discourse, Kathy Bichsel transports us through a journey, unraveling the secret power that morphed Abraham from an ordinary individual into a father of nations, all through the unwavering essence of faith.

The tale of Abraham isn’t merely a historical account but serves as a profound testament to the unyielding might of belief and the supernatural phenomena it invokes. As Abraham dared to trust God amidst the seemingly impossible, he manifested a legacy that was not only significant but eternally impactful.

The Genesis of Absolute Belief

In Genesis 17:5, a divine interaction carves out a destiny that far surpassed human comprehension and limitations. Abraham’s story tells us that faith isn’t in denial of present circumstances but is a staunch belief in a superior reality yet to manifest. When a diagnosis is given, it is not denied but rather, met with a belief that a healing, a solution, is present even when not physically seen. It is faith that calls into existence things that are not visible to the mortal eye, thereby aligning our physical reality with the divine truth spoken by God.

The Macrocosm and Microcosm of Faith

This faith does not merely rest in the annals of biblical history; it permeates through our individual and collective experiences, creating both a macro and micro picture of the divine influence in our present circumstances. Kathy illuminates how prayers reverberate across the globe, seeking to safeguard promises made millennia ago, highlighting a persistent war over Abraham’s land and the enduring promise it holds. Simultaneously, on a micro level, our personal battles and tribulations beckon us to invoke the same Abraham-like faith to see the manifestation of divine intervention in our own lives.

The Process of Faith: A Spiritual Blueprint

Faith is portrayed not as a passive acceptance but an active, conscious, and intentional engagement with God’s promises. Kathy delineates this through the metaphorical process of taking a promise (the Word), conceiving it, and allowing the Holy Spirit to nurture it until it comes to fruition in our lives. It’s a sacred alchemy of trust, patience, and spiritual steadfastness, as seen in countless biblical stories that yielded divine healing, miraculous provision, and victorious battles.

Manifesting Divine Reality in Today’s World

The timeless wisdom and principles of faith embodied by Abraham permeate through every believer’s journey today. They serve as divine reminders that our circumstances, no matter how dire, are subject to change through the absolute power of faith. In our contemporary walks of life, it calls us to trust in what God can do, regardless of how insurmountable our challenges appear.

As we explore the depths of faith, it becomes evident that it is not merely a historical concept but an ever-present, actionable force that shapes our reality, invoking blessings and miracles in our lives and the world around us. Abraham’s blessing, therefore, does not remain confined to him but extends to all who dare to believe, trust, and walk a path, immovably anchored in faith.

Kathy Bichsel's insights offer a spiritual reservoir of hope, especially pertinent in our current global circumstances, revealing that when everything seems hopeless, an unwavering faith can forge a path to divine miracles, ensuring that the blessings of Abraham are not just his, but ours to behold and experience, generation after generation.


Loving The Lord with Your Mind


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